User Guide : Using Package Manager : Creating a Package (.djar File) When Compatibility Mode is Enabled
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Creating a Package (.djar File) When Compatibility Mode is Enabled
To create a package when Compatibility Mode is enabled
1. Select the project for which you want to create a package and do any of the following:
Go to File > New > Package.
Click the arrow in /download/attachments/24977198/ProjectExplorer_New_Icon.png?version=1&modificationDate=1489232659673&api=v2 and then click Package.
Right-click within Project Explorer and then click New > Package.
The New Package (Inventory File) window is displayed.
2. Select the parent folder where you want save the package inventory file.
3. In the Enter Package Name field, type a name for the package file and click Next.
The Select Entry Point and Security Options window is displayed.
4. Specify the following:
Choose Entry Point - Click Browse and specify the required process or map file. Initially, the selected process or map and any artifacts referenced by the entry point are added to the package.
v9-compatible maps cannot be an entry point.
Include Workspace Macro Definition File - Select this option to include the macro definition file related to the workspace. When you run a .djar that contains a macro definition file, djengine does not automatically use this file. You must specify a macro file that is outside the .djar to use a macro definition file when you run a package.
5. Click Finish.
The package inventory file is created (with extension as .inv.xml) and it opens in the Package Manager Editor tab. It displays all the artifacts that are included in the package.
Also, the .inv.xml file appears in the Package Inventory folder within the project folder location.
Note:  The package inventory folder is created relative to where the project is located.
6. To create a package, do the following:
Open the package inventory file (if it is closed).
Select the check box for the process artifact that you want to designate as the main process for the package.
Note:  By default, the main process for the package is already selected when creating the package inventory file.
Package Name displays the package name. It defaults to the name of the process. You can change this name if required.
Package Version displays the version number of the package file. The default is 1.0. You can change this version number.
Click /download/attachments/24977198/Map_Mapping_AddField_Icon.png?version=1&modificationDate=1488156316129&api=v2 if you want to add files to the package. To remove a file, select the required file and click /download/attachments/24977198/Map_Mapping_DeleteField_Icon.png?version=1&modificationDate=1488156316176&api=v2.
7. Click Create Package.
The Package Creation Success dialog box displays a confirmation message and the folder where the .djar file is stored. The default location for the package is C:\Users\<<username>>\Actian\DataConnect\Packages. You can change this location in Options > Preferences > DataConnect > Package and Deploy.