User Guide : Avalanche Data Loading Templates : Troubleshooting Template Configuration Execution Errors : Log File Errors
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Log File Errors
Error Message
From Exec SQL: SQL state 42000, message: [Actian][Actian CR ODBC Driver][Actian CR]Trailing data after last full record.
Data file does not end with a newline (\n) or the specified record separator
Add a new line or add the value you have specified for the RECORD_SEPARATOR macro to the end of the file.
Process [Delimited_S3_to_Avalanche_AWS.process] validation failed with return code: 28007 'Queue Step 'GetObject' does not have a queue session selected.'
Connector not installed (old version of engine)
Update the DataConnect engine to the latest version.
Note:  This error message is not applicable for Integration Manager on DataCloud. It is applicable for Integration Manager On-premise only.
Cannot proceed due to connection error. Please review the connection details and try again
Missing ODBC connection or incorrect DSN name in macros.
Verify ODBC connection settings and name. Update the name for the AVALANCHE_DSN macro.
Note:  This error message is not applicable for Integration Manager on DataCloud. It is applicable for Integration Manager On-premise only.
From Connect (driver): SQL state IM002, message:
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified
DSN is set up as User DSN. Integration Manager uses System DSNs.
This error occurs when running from Integration Manager locally. DSN must be set up correctly for DataCloud-hosted IM instance. DSN will always be "Avalanche" on DataCloud.
Create the DSN as a system data source and update the AVALANCHE_DSN macro accordingly.
Note:  This error message is not applicable for Integration Manager on DataCloud. It is applicable for Integration Manager On-premise only.
Error reading message: The bucket you are attempting to access must be addressed using the specified endpoint. Please send all future requests to this endpoint. (Service: S3, Status Code: 301, Request ID: E5C946E946B0A58C) while attempting to read from the referenced S3 bucket.
Incorrect region specified in macros
Make sure endpoint matches the region strings provided by Amazon. For more information, see
Error reading message: The AWS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records. (Service: S3, Status Code: 403, Request ID: EB19BC91063ECB95) while attempting to read from the referenced S3 bucket.
Incorrect AWS Access Key in macros
Update the access key value
Error reading message: The specified bucket does not exist (Service: S3, Status Code: 404, Request ID: 2EAC336DD2C875B6) while attempting to read from the referenced S3 bucket.
Incorrect S3 bucket name
Use the correct bucket name.
Error reading message: The specified key does not exist. (Service: S3, Status Code: 404, Request ID: 408337646A6841A2) while attempting to read from the referenced S3 bucket.
File name is incorrect in S3_FILE_LIST macro.
Use the correct file name.
Error reading message: The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method. (Service: S3, Status Code: 403, Request ID: 5112246559DC55DE) while attempting to read from the referenced S3 bucket.
Incorrect AWS Secret Key.
Update the secret key
Field name 'ÐÏࡱá' is invalid. Some connections have field name character constraints: try 'ÐÏ_ࡱ_á'.
Source file is not a CSV file. This specific error is generated if a .xls file is used as the source.
Use the correct CSV file.
Error in transferring data: Error assigning to object property (setRecordNumber returns 4)
This happens if there was a problem reading data from the connector (which can be due to several reasons.) This applies for ServiceNow, NetSuite, and Salesforce.
Unfortunately, the actual error is not propagated to the log.