User Guide : Advanced Scheduling : Building a Cron Expression : Special Characters
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Special Characters
Special characters let you specify wildcards, ranges, and other conditions for each field.
All values for the field are selected.
* in the Hour field means every hour.
No specific value required. Only usable in the Day of Month and Day of Week fields.
To set a schedule that runs on Sundays regardless of the day of the month, use a ? in the Day of Month field and a 1 in the Day of Week field.
Specify a range (inclusive) between 2 values.
1–3 in the Hour field (along with a 0 in the Minute and Second fields) is triggered at 1:00 a.m., 2:00 a.m., and 3:00 a.m.
Separate multiple values.
1,3 in the Hour field means 1:00 a.m. and 3:00 a.m.
Incremental trigger. Enter in the format X/Y, where X is the starting value and Y is the increment.
0/15 in the Minute field means the schedule begins at minute 00 and then runs every 15 minutes thereafter.
Last day of the month or week.
Can be combined with other values in each field as illustrated below.
Day of Month: L–X, where X is a number of days to offset from the last calendar day of the month.
Day of Week: XL, where X is a day value (1–7).
L in the Day of Month field means the last calendar day of the month.
L–2 in the Day of Month field means the second-to-last calendar day of the month.
L in the Day of Week field simply means 7 (Saturday).
7L in the Day of Week field means the last Saturday of the month.
Weekday (Monday–Friday) nearest the given day. Enter in the format XW, where X is the day of the month.
12W in the Day of Month field is triggered on the 12th day of the month if that day falls on a weekday. If the 12th falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the schedule runs on the following Monday.
LW in the Day of Month field is triggered on the last weekday of the month.
Exact monthly instance of the specified day of the week. Enter in the format X#Y, where X is the day of the week and Y is the instance.
Note:  A value using X#5 will not be triggered for the month if there are not 5 of day X within the month.
2#3 in the Day of Week field means the 3rd Monday each month.