Installation and Configuration Guide : Installing and Configuring OpenROAD on Windows : Install 64-bit OpenROAD on Windows : Install OpenROAD on Windows Using the setup.exe MSI Pre-installer
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Install OpenROAD on Windows Using the setup.exe MSI Pre-installer
Before you install OpenROAD, close down any server processes and front-end sessions that may be running. If the OpenROAD Server is running, orinstall.bat will shut it down before proceeding with the installation process.
The convention used by the distribution for the OpenROAD 11.1 installers is:
32-bit installer:
64-bit installer:
The BUILDNO value is a number between 15004 and 15999 and is a monotonically increasing number that identifies the specific OpenROAD build and is typically associated with a patch level.
In the examples used, the installer will be called
To install OpenROAD on Windows
1. Download and unzip the 64-bit OpenROAD installation files from
Unzip the file into a temp directory, for example, c:\temp.
An openroad-11.10.BUILDNO-win-PATCHNO-a directory will be created in this temp location.
2. Open a Windows Administrative command window of the Ingres 11.1 instance that will be the target. Change directories to the one created in the previous step. For example:
cd c:\temp\openroad-11.10.BUILDNO-win-PATCHNO-a\
3. Run the setup.exe MSI Pre-installer without any parameters:
4. The installation wizard starts.
5. Follow the instructions issued by the setup.exe MSI Pre-installer.
When the 64-bit OpenROAD 11.1 setup.exe starts, it examines your system and does the following:
The 64-bit OpenROAD 11.1 installer will prompt for acceptance of the Actian End User License Agreement (EULA). To continue the installation, accept the EULA.
The 64-bit OpenROAD setup.exe MSI Pre-installer will prompt for the Actian License MAILHOST, MAILPORT, and EMAIL configuration information. This information will be used to configure the Actian License email notification option. This option will send an email to a user or list of users that the relevant Actian License is about to expire, has expired and is in its grace period, or has completely expired.
The setup.exe MSI Pre-installer will not retrieve any Actian license configuration or display it when prompting for the configuration information.
To configure licensing
After installation is complete, if the OpenROAD Development or OpenROAD Server features are installed, the Actian License information must be configured manually. You can do this by performing these steps:
1. Launch an OpenROAD Administrative Command Window
2. Use the following commands to configure the Actian License Directory
if NOT EXIST "%USERPROFILE%\temp\." mkdir %USERPROFILE%\temp
iipmhost | ipsetp iipmhost > %MYTEMP%\set_iipmhost.bat
call "%MYTEMP%\set_iipmhost.bat "
del "%MYTEMP%\set_iipmhost.bat"
iisetres ii.%IIPMHOST%.config.license_dir C:\license_dir
This assumes that the Actian License Directory is C:\license_dir and it contains the license.xml file.
3. Use the following commands to verify that the Actian License file has been configured correctly:
if NOT EXIST "%USERPROFILE%\temp\." mkdir %USERPROFILE%\temp
iipmhost | ipsetp iipmhost > %MYTEMP%\set_iipmhost.bat
call "%MYTEMP%\set_iipmhost.bat "
del "%MYTEMP%\set_iipmhost.bat"
iigetres ii.%IIPMHOST%.config.license_dir