Constant Value | Description | Numeric Equivalent |
CC_SYS_ACTIVEBORDER | The border of an active window | 66 |
CC_SYS_ACTIVECAPTION | The title bar of an active window | 67 |
CC_SYS_APPWORKSPACE | The color that the window manager currently uses for the background of a window | 68 |
CC_SYS_BACKGROUND | The desktop | 69 |
CC_SYS_BTNFACE | Button faces | 70 |
CC_SYS_BTNSHADOW | Button shadows | 71 |
CC_SYS_BTNTEXT | Button text | 72 |
CC_SYS_CAPTIONTEXT | Text in the title bar of an active window | 73 |
CC_SYS_GRAYTEXT | Disabled (dimmed) text | 74 |
CC_SYS_HIGHLIGHT | Highlighted objects | 75 |
CC_SYS_HIGHLIGHTTEXT | Text within highlighted objects | 76 |
CC_SYS_INACTIVEBORDER | The border of an inactive window | 77 |
CC_SYS_INACTIVECAPTION | The title bar of an inactive window | 78 |
CC_SYS_INACTIVECAPTIONTEXT | Text in the title bar of an inactive window | 79 |
CC_SYS_MENU | Menu backgrounds | 80 |
CC_SYS_MENUTEXT | Menu text | 81 |
CC_SYS_SCROLLBAR | Scroll bar gray areas | 82 |
CC_SYS_BTNHIGHLIGHT | Highlight color for three-dimensional borders (edge facing the light source) | 83 |
CC_SYS_SHADOW | Automatic window shadows | 83 |
CC_SYS_WINDOW | Window backgrounds | 84 |
CC_SYS_WINDOWFRAME | Window borders | 85 |
CC_SYS_WINDOWTEXT | Text in windows | 86 |
CC_SYS_3DDKSHADOW | Shadow color for three-dimensional elements | 87 |
CC_SYS_3DLIGHT | Face color for three-dimensional elements | 88 |
CC_SYS_INFOTEXT | Color for tooltip text | 89 |
CC_SYS_INFOBK | Color for tooltip background | 90 |