Data Type | Description | Range in Bytes (Octets) |
char | character | 1 <= n <=32000 ( 1 <= n <= 16000 in a UTF-8 instance) |
varchar | character | 1 <= n <=32000 ( 1 <= n <= 16000 in a UTF-8 instance) |
long varchar | character | A string of 1 to 2 GB bytes |
nchar | Unicode | A string of 1 to 16,000 characters (32,000 bytes) |
nvarchar | Unicode | A string of 1 to 16,000 characters (32,000 bytes) |
integer1 (same as tinyint) | 1-byte integer | -128 to +127 |
smallint (same as integer2) | 2-byte integer | -32,768 to +32,767 |
integer (same as integer4) | 4-byte integer | -2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647 |
integer8 (same as bigint) | 8-byte integer | -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to +9,223,372,036,854,775,807 |
decimal | fixed-point exact numeric | Depends on precision and scale. Default is (5,0): -99999 to +99999. Maximum number of digits is 39. |
float4 | 4-byte floating | -1.0e+38 to +1.0e+38 (7-digit precision) |
float (same as float8) | 8-byte floating | -1.0e+38 to +1.0e+38 |
date(ingresdate) | date(ingresdate) (12 bytes) | 1-jan-0001 to 30-dec-9999 (for absolute dates) and -9999 years to +9999 years (for time intervals) |
money | money (8 bytes) | $-999,999,999,999.99 to $999,999,999,999.99 |
long byte | binary | 1 to 2 GB of binary data |