Migration Guide : E. Features Introduced in OpenROAD 6.2 : Changes to Existing Features : HashTable Class Gets New Attributes and Methods
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HashTable Class Gets New Attributes and Methods
The HashTable class enables object references to be stored in a keyed table for later lookup by key. It gains the following new attributes:
Data Type: varchar(65)
4GL Access: R
The CompareKeyFunction attribute contains the name of the 3GL Procedure that will perform the comparison of keys for the HashTable.
Data Type: varchar(65)
4GL Access: R
The HashKeyFunction attribute contains the name of the 3GL Procedure that will perform the hashing of keys for the HashTable.
The HashTable class has the following new methods, which interact with the new HashTableEntry class (see page HashTableEntry Class Added on page 6):
The GetEntries method gets all entries (key and object mappings) of a HashTable.
The LoadEntries method loads entries from the "entries" array into the HashTable.
For more information, see the HashTable Class in the Language Reference Guide.