Workbench User Guide : Writing Scripts and Procedures : How You Can Write Frame Scripts
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How You Can Write Frame Scripts
To write your frame script, you can use the Workbench Script Editor or your system editor. To open the Script Editor, click Tools, Script on the Frame Editor's floating menu bar.
If you prefer to use your system editor, you must set the environment variable, II_W4GL_SYSTEMEDITOR. For more information, see How You Can Use Your System Editor.
A frame script contains the code for a specific frame, such as the code to declare and assign values to local variables or to display selected data on the form. A frame script can have three parts:
Initialize statement
(Optional) Declares parameters, local variables, and procedures for the frame. Because this statement is executed before the frame is actually displayed, this statement is also used to perform any start-up operations for the frame.
Event blocks
Contain code that OpenROAD executes when the user or the program initiates a specified action.
User-initiated actions include clicking a button on the form or exiting a field. Program-initiated actions include sending events between frames.
Local procedures
(Optional) Make code easier to read and eliminate duplication of code
For more information about writing 4GL scripts, see the Programming Guide.