Attribute | Data Type | Description | Access | Inherited From |
AbsXLeft | integer | Specifies a field's starting X coordinate, including the border and shadow, relative to the form | RW | FormField |
AbsXRight | integer | Specifies a field's ending X coordinate, including the border and shadow, relative to the form | RW | FormField |
AbsYBottom | integer | Specifies a field's ending Y coordinate, including the border and shadow, relative to the form | RW | FormField |
AbsYTop | integer | Specifies a field's starting Y coordinate, including the border and shadow, relative to the form | RW | FormField |
AllBias | smallint | Specifies a field's bias setting for all modes of a frame | W | FormField |
AnchorPoint | integer | Specifies one of nine predetermined anchor points for a field | RW | FormField |
BgBitmap | BitmapObject | Specifies the background setting for a field when BgPattern is FP_BITMAP | RW | FormField |
BgColor | integer | Specifies the background color of a field's bounding box | RW | FieldObject |
BgDisplayPolicy | integer | Controls the positioning and display of form field background images—either anchored to their own top left corner (fixed), or anchored relative to the closest parent field whose background is fixed | RW | FormField |
BgPattern | integer | Specifies the form’s background pattern | RW | FormField |
BottomInnerMargin | integer | Defines field margin in pixels between the bottom field border and data area | RW | FieldObject |
BufferString | StringObject | Contains the entire string in the field’s edit buffer | R | EntryField |
BufferText | varchar(2000) | Contains up to the first 2000 characters of the field's edit buffer | R | EntryField |
CharsPerLine | integer | Specifies the number of average-width characters per line that the entry can contain | RW | EntryField |
ClassName | varchar(32) | Gives the name of an object's actual type (as opposed to its declared type) | R | Object |
ClientData | Object | Provides a way to associate data with an object | RW | Object |
ClientText | varchar(2000) | Stores text values; allows information to be assigned to a field at runtime | RW | FieldObject |
ControlField | smallint | Determines if a field manipulates the user interface instead of the underlying data | RW | FieldObject |
CurBias | smallint | Specifies the current bias setting for a field | RW | FormField |
CurMarkedText | varchar(256) | Contains the currently marked text in the field | R | EntryField |
Cursor | CursorBitmap | Causes the mouse cursor to change to the cursor associated with the CursorBitmap when the mouse pointer is over the FormField object | RW | FormField |
CursorPosition | integer | Specifies the text cursor position (number of character after cursor) | RW | EntryField |
DataType | varchar(65) | Specifies the data type of the field's variable | RW1 | FieldObject |
Declared | smallint | Controls whether OpenROAD declares a variable for the field at compile time | RW | ActiveField |
DefaultString | varchar(256) | Stores the default value that OpenROAD uses when the DefaultValue attribute is set to DV_STRING | RW1 | FieldObject |
DefaultValue | smallint | Specifies the default value of the variable associated with the field | RW1 | FieldObject |
DragObject | Object | Sets the object that will be transferred by a drag-and-drop operation when a user starts the operation over the field | RW | ActiveField |
DropObject | varchar(32) | Holds the class name of the objects that can be dropped on the field | RW | ActiveField |
EventExec | FrameExec | Specifies the frame (FrameExec) to which this field's events will be queued and processed | RW | FieldObject |
ExactWidth | integer | If not zero, specifies the width of the EntryField | RW | EntryField |
ExitBehavior | integer | Controls the action of the Tab key and/or Enter key in an EntryField object | RW | EntryField |
FgColor | integer | Controls the color of the field's foreground | RW | FieldObject |
FirstMarked | integer | Specifies the first character in the marked text | R | EntryField |
FocusBehavior | smallint | Controls behavior of the field relative to the input focus | RW | ActiveField |
ForceCase | smallint | Indicates whether to force a case shift on input of data | RW | EntryField |
FormatString | varchar(256) | Contains the format string for the field | RW | EntryField |
FullName | varchar(256) | Contains the expanded name of the variable | R | FieldObject |
Gravity | integer | Specifies the alignment of a field that is within a stack field cell, a matrix field cell, or a subform | RW | FormField |
HasDataChanged | smallint | Indicates if any interactive changes were made to the data associated with the field | RW | FieldObject |
HasFieldChanged | smallint | Is TRUE if any structural attributes of a field have been changed since the frame was initialized | RW | FormField |
HasHorizontalScrollBar | smallint | Indicates whether the field has a horizontal scroll bar. This attribute is valid for multiline entry fields only. | RW | EntryField |
HasScrollBar | smallint | If TRUE, displays scroll bars on right side of text | RW | EntryField |
Height | integer | Specifies the Y extent of the “inner rectangle” of the field, excluding borders and shadows | RW | FormField |
InputMasking | smallint | If TRUE, specifies the use of a valid format template to control data entry for a particular field | RW | EntryField |
InstanceIdentifier | integer8 | Contains a value that uniquely identifies an instance of an allocated object | R | Object |
InstanceReferences | integer | Contains the current number of references to the object | R | Object |
IsBold | smallint | Is TRUE for bold font | RW | EntryField |
IsCurField | smallint | Is TRUE when a field has the current input focus for the frame | RW | FormField |
IsDragSource | integer | If set to TRUE, a drag-and-drop operation may be started over the field; DragObject is the object that is transferred | RW | ActiveField |
IsItalic | smallint | Is TRUE for italic font | RW | EntryField |
IsMandatory | smallint | Is TRUE if the field will not accept null data or allow the user to leave the field empty | RW | EntryField |
IsMultiLine | smallint | Is TRUE if multiline (not single-line) text field | RW | EntryField |
IsNullable | smallint | Is TRUE if the variable is nullable | RW1 | FieldObject |
IsPassword | smallint | Is TRUE if text is not displayed on entry or edit | RW | EntryField |
IsPlain | smallint | Is TRUE if bold, underlining, and italics are off | RW | EntryField |
IsPropOptInherited | integer | If set to TRUE, indicates that the field is to use or inherit the PropertyOptMenu of the CompositeField that is nearest in scope | RW | ActiveField |
IsReverse | smallint | Is TRUE if reverse is on for a field's background and foreground colors | RW | FormField |
IsSelected | smallint | Is TRUE if a field is selected (for fields with bias settings that are selectable); defaults to FALSE | RW | FormField |
IsUnderlined | integer | If TRUE, text is underlined | RW | EntryField |
LastMarked | integer | Specifies the last character in the marked text | R | EntryField |
LayerSequence | integer | Specifies a field's sequence number within the field layer | RW | FormField |
LeftInnerMargin | integer | Defines field margin in pixels between the bottom field border and data area | RW | FieldObject |
Lines | integer | Specifies the number of lines displayed in a multiline entry field | RW | EntryField |
MaxCharacters | integer | Defines the maximum number of characters that the field can contain | RW | EntryField |
MouseDownText | varchar(2000) | Specifies the text displayed in the window status bar of the current frame when the mouse pointer is over the field and the select button is clicked | RW | FormField |
MouseMoveText | varchar(2000) | Specifies the text displayed in the window status bar of the current frame when the mouse pointer is over the field | RW | FormField |
Name | varchar(32) | Contains the name of the field object | RW1 | FieldObject |
OuterHeight | integer | Specifies the extent in Y direction of a field, including border lines and shadows | RW | FormField |
OuterWidth | integer | Specifies the extent in X direction of a field, including border lines and shadows | RW | FormField |
OutlineColor | integer | Controls the color of the border line or shadow of the bounding box around the field | RW | ActiveField |
OutlineStyle | integer | Controls the style of the outline of the field | RW | ActiveField |
OutlineWidth | integer | Controls the width of the border line or the shadow for the bounding box around the field | RW | ActiveField |
ParentField | CompositeField | Specifies the direct parent field for a field | RW | FormField |
PropertyOptMenu | OptionMenu | Contains the OptionMenu that is activated when the right mouse button is clicked while over the field | RW | ActiveField |
QueryBias | smallint | Specifies a field's bias setting when the CurMode attribute for the frame is set to FM_QUERY | RW | FormField |
ReadBias | smallint | Specifies the bias setting for a field when the CurMode attribute for the frame is set to FM_READ | RW | FormField |
RequireRealField | smallint | Indicates if a field must be associated with a toolkit control or widget | RW | FormField |
RightInnerMargin | integer | Defines field margin in pixels between the right field border and data area | RW | FieldObject |
Script | StringObject | Contains the 4GL script associated with the field | RW | FieldObject |
StringValue | StringObject | Contains the full text in an entry field | RW | EntryField |
TabSeqNum | integer | Set this attribute to the 1-relative number equal to the order in which you want this field to appear in the TabSequence for the containing CompositeField | RW | ActiveField |
TaggedValues | array of TaggedValue | Defines an array of tagged values | R | FieldObject |
TextLength | integer | Specifies the number of characters in the value of the field | R | EntryField |
TextValue | varchar(256) | Contains the first 256 characters of the text in the field (as displayed) | RW | EntryField |
TopInnerMargin | integer | Defines field margin in pixels between the top field border and data area | RW | FieldObject |
ToolTipText | varchar(2000) | Specifies the text to be displayed when the mouse pointer rests on the FormField | RW | FormField |
TypeFace | integer | Specifies the typeface for the entry field text | RW | EntryField |
TypeFaceName | varchar(31) | Specifies the typeface name of any font installed on your system | RW | EntryField |
TypeSize | smallint | Specifies the size, in points, of the typeface | RW | EntryField |
UpdateBias | smallint | Specifies a field's bias setting when the CurMode attribute for the frame is set to FM_UPDATE | RW | FormField |
User1Bias | smallint | Specifies a field's bias setting when the CurMode attribute for the frame is set to FM_USER1 | RW | FormField |
User2Bias | smallint | Specifies a field's bias setting when the CurMode attribute for the frame is set to FM_USER2 | RW | FormField |
User3Bias | smallint | Specifies a field's bias setting when the CurMode attribute for the frame is set to FM_USER3 | RW | FormField |
UseWidestCharacter | integer | Specifies that a maximum character width is to be used when columns are changed to a field width | RW | EntryField |
WidestCharacterWidth | integer | Specifies the exact width in pixels of each text character when UseWidestCharacter is set to UWC_USER | RW | EntryField |
WidgetID | integer | This is not supported. Represents the field's handle for the highest-level Windows control for the field. | R | ActiveField |
Width | integer | Specifies the X extent of the “inner rectangle” of the field, excluding border lines or shadows | RW | FormField |
XAnchorPoint | integer | Use with YAnchorPoint to position an object by setting relevant anchor point values | RW | FormField |
XLeft | integer | Specifies the relative X coordinate of the left edge of a field's bounding rectangle | RW | FormField |
XRight | integer | Specifies the relative X coordinate of the right edge of a field's bounding rectangle | RW | FormField |
YAnchorPoint | integer | Use with XAnchorPoint to position an object by setting relevant anchor point value | RW | FormField |
YBottom | integer | Specifies the relative Y coordinate of the lower edge of a field's bounding rectangle | RW | FormField |
YTop | integer | Specifies the relative Y coordinate of the top edge of a field's bounding rectangle | RW | FormField |