Attribute | Data Type | Description | Access | Inherited From |
AlwaysAddClassName | integer | Defines whether to add a “classname” member for any object and a “row_class” member for any ArrayObject when converting OpenROAD objects into JSON | RW | Defined |
ClassName | varchar(32) | Gives the name of an object's actual type (as opposed to its declared type) | R | Object |
ClientData | Object | Provides a way to associate data with an object | RW | Object |
Errortext | varchar(2000) | Contains the Errortext of the last method invocation | RO | Defined |
GenMixedCaseMemberNames | integer | Defines whether the NewJsonValue() and Object2JsonValue() methods should generatease member names for userc mixed-class attributes. If set to TRUE, member names are generated mixed-case (as defined in the class editor).If set to FALSE, member names are generated lowercase. | RW | Defined |
IgnoreUnknownAttributes | integer | Defines whether unknown attributes should be ignored (with a WARNING message generated) when converting a JsonObject into an OpenROAD object | RW | Defined |
InstanceIdentifier | integer8 | Contains a value that uniquely identifies an instance of an allocated object | R | Object |
IndentChar | varchar(1) | Defines the indentation character to be used when writing JSON using the Write() or WriteFile() methods with parameter indented=TRUE. It must be one of the whitespace characters: space (' '), tab (HC_TAB) or newline (HC_NEWLINE). | RW | Defined |
IndentCharCount | smallint | Defines the number of indentation characters for each indentation level to be used when writing JSON using the Write() or WriteFile() methods with parameter indented=TRUE. It must have a non-negative value. | RW | Defined |
InstanceReferences | integer | Contains the current number of references to the object | R | Object |
MaxNestingLevel | integer | Defines the maximum nesting level for circular or multiple references when converting OpenROAD objects into JSON | RW | Defined |