Method | Return Value | Description | Inherited From |
AbortWrite() | integer | Aborts writing to the file previously opened by WriteStartDocument() | Defined |
Duplicate() | Object | Makes a duplicate of the object, placing a reference to the new object in a reference variable | Object |
GetAttribute (attributename = byref(variable) {,attributename = byref(variable)}) | integer | Gets the values of any number of attributes for the object | Object |
IsA (class = classname) | integer | Returns TRUE if the object is of the same class as, or one of the subclasses of, the class specified by classname | Object |
IsValidXMLName(name = varchar(256)) | integer | Checks whether the given name is a valid XML identifier name that can be used as a name of an XMLAttribute or XMLElement | Defined |
ParseString(string = StringObject [, validateschema = integer [, schemacache = XMLSchemaCache]]) | integer | Parses the string and sets the RootElement attribute representing the tree-based XML document | Defined |
ParseURL(urllocation = varchar(16000) [, validateschema = integer [, schemacache = XMLSchemaCache]]) | integer | Parses the given URL location or file name and sets the RootElement attribute representing the tree-based XML document | Defined |
SetAttribute (attributename = value {,attributename = value}) | integer | Sets any number of attributes for the object | Object |
WriteCDATA(string = StringObject) | integer | Writes a CDATA section for the current XML element to the file previously opened by WriteStartDocument() | Defined |
WriteComment(string = StringObject) | integer | Writes an XML comment to the file previously opened by WriteStartDocument() | Defined |
WriteElement(element = XMLElement) | integer | Writes an XMLElement including all its children to the file previously opened by WriteStartDocument() | Defined |
WriteEndDocument() | integer | Closes the file previously opened by WriteStartDocument() after writing ending tags for all remaining open XML elements, if any | Defined |
WriteEndElement() | integer | Writes the ending tag for the current XML element | Defined |
WriteProcessingInstruction( target = varchar(256), data = StringObject) | integer | Writes an XML processing instruction to the file previously opened by WriteStartDocument() | Defined |
WriteStartDocument( filename = varchar(256) [, encoding = integer] [, indent = integer] [, standalone = integer] [, failifexists = integer]) | integer | Starts writing an XML document in the given encoding to the given file name | Defined |
WriteStartElement( name = varchar(256) [, attributes = Array of XML Attribute]) | integer | Writes the starting tag for an XML element including its attributes to the file previously opened by WriteStartDocument() | Defined |
WriteTextData( string = StringObject) | integer | Writes text data for the current XML element to the file previously opened by WriteStartDocument() | Defined |
WriteToFile( filename = varchar(256) [, encoding = integer] [, indent = integer] [, standalone = integer] [, failifexists = integer]) | integer | Writes an XML document and all its tree-based structure starting with the RootElement to the file with the given file name | Defined |