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Patch the Currently Installed Version of OpenROAD
The 64-bit OpenROAD 12.0 installer detects any previously installed version and lets you choose to upgrade it or leave it intact, installing 12.0 in addition to the previous version. If you leave a previous version installed and do not upgrade it, subsequently running the 12.0 installer again will not give you the option to upgrade it.
An installation bootstrapper called setup.exe checks the environment and presents the installer with available installation options. The OpenROAD installation bootstrapper does not list every Ingres instance on the machine. It filters out any Ingres instances that it considers ineligible to be upgraded, including those with the following installation codes: QT, QU, WC, WU, WX, WB, XC, XD, XE, XF, XL, XN, XO, XP, XQ, XR, XS and XU. Ingres instances that begin with these codes are reserved for use by the OpenROAD installer and cannot be upgraded. The 64-bit OpenROAD 12.0 installer also will exclude all 32-bit Ingres instances as targets.
You may initiate the OpenROAD 12.0 installation process using setup.exe or ormsiexec.bat. For more information, see:
If the OpenROAD AppServer is already installed and running, ormsiexec.bat is the preferred installation approach as this will shut down the OpenROAD AppServer before installing new files.
Last modified date: 06/25/2024