AddNode Method
The AddNode method adds a new node to the tree. The new node object is returned.
This method has the following syntax:
TreeNode = Tree.AddNode(name = nvarchar(256)
[, keylabel = varchar(256), relative = TreeNode, relation = integer])
This method has the following parameters:
(Required) Specifies the label string
Specifies a unique string associated with the node that is used to retrieve a node with the NodeByKey method
Specifies an existing TreeNode in the Tree
Specifies the relationship of the node to the TreeNode specified in the relative parameter. Valid values are:
Specifies that the new node is the last child of relative
Specifies that the new node is the first child of relative
Specifies that the new node is the next sibling of relative
Specifies that the new node is to be a child of the relative and is to be inserted among the children, sorted by label in ASCII ascending order. The new node will be put in the first slot that makes sense in this ordering and will not check whether subsequent siblings are in correct order. If all children of a node are inserted using TN_CHILDBYLABEL_ASC order, this will guarantee that all the children will be correctly sorted.
Similar to TN_CHILDBYLABEL_ASC, except inserts in ASCII descending order
Similar to TN_CHILDBYLABEL_ASC, except sorts by Key and not by TextLabel
Similar to TN_CHILDBYKEY_ASC, except inserts in ASCII descending order
If relative is NULL, the relation parameter is ignored, and the new node becomes the root. The old root, if exists, becomes the next sibling of the new root.
Last modified date: 06/25/2024