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AllAttributes Method
The AllAttributes method returns an array of all the attributes of the specified user class, local and inherited.
The array of AttributeObject contains all useful information about how that attribute is defined, including any taggedvalue entries associated with the attribute. This is particularly useful with userclasses generated through the Attributes from Database Table facility, as these are rich in ancillary information defined in the taggedvalue entries; that information can be used at runtime to guide the frame display and behavior.
This method has the following syntax:
Array of AttributeObject = RequestManager.AllAttributes(itemsource = ClassSource
          [, localfirst = integer])
(Required) Specifies the class source of the userclass object that owns these attributes.
For any userclass, the class source can be obtained by accessing the ObjectSource of one of its methods, or using the FetchComponent method of its parent application:
myclasssource = curmethod.ObjectSource;

myapplication = curframe.ObjectSource.ParentApplication;
myclasssource = myapplication.FetchComponent(componentname=myclasssourcename);
Specifies whether the array of attributes should begin with the local attributes or with the inherited attributes.
The method returns an array of the attributes; if the call fails, the array is empty.
Last modified date: 06/25/2024