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Alter Role Statement
The alter role statement changes the attributes associated with a role identifier.
This statement has the following syntax:
alter role role_id {, role_id}
[with with_option {, with_option}];
Parameters--Alter Role Statement
This statement has the following parameters:
Specifies an existing role ID created with the create role statement. If one or more of the specified role identifiers do not exist, the DBMS Server issues a warning, but all valid role identifiers are processed.
For more information about role identifiers, see the Ingres Database Administrator Guide.
Defines the password for the role.
Caution! If no password is specified, any session has access to the specified role identifier and its associated permissions.
Specifies one of the following password options:
password = 'role_password'
You must have maintain_users privilege and be connected to the iidbdb database.
You must have maintain_audit privilege to change security audit attributes.
The alter role statement locks pages in the iirole catalog of the iidbdb. This can cause sessions attempting to connect to the server to suspend until the statement is completed.
Related Statements
Examples--Alter Role Statement
The following examples change the attributes associated with a role identifier:
1. Change the password for the role identifier, new_accounts, to eggbasket.
alter role new_accounts with
    password = 'eggbasket';
2. Remove the password associated with the identifier, chk_inventory.
alter role chk_inventory with nopassword;
Last modified date: 06/25/2024