BlocksFrames Attribute
Data Type: smallint
4GL Access: RW
Set the BlocksFrames attribute to TRUE to make all other open frames in the application inactive while the current frame or procedure is executing. If this attribute is FALSE, users can type and click inside the current frame or any other running frame while the current frame or procedure is running.
The default value of this attribute for an application's starting component is TRUE. The default value for all subsequent frames or procedures is that of the component that called them. To change the BlocksFrames attribute value for frames, you can use the with clause in a callframe, openframe, or gotoframe statement, or you can set it directly in the initialize statement block. For 4GL procedures, you can set it in the procedure. You cannot set the BlocksFrames attribute in 3GL procedures or database procedures. These procedure types inherit the setting of their calling frame or procedure.
Set the BlocksFrames attribute to FALSE only in those frames and procedures that run quickly. If a frame combines long and short event blocks, you can set the BlocksFrames attribute for the frame to FALSE by default and set the BlocksFrames attribute to TRUE inside the long event blocks.
For details about using the BlocksFrames attribute, see the Programming Guide.
Last modified date: 06/25/2024