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ConfirmPopup Method
The ConfirmPopup method displays a confirm-style pop-up message box in the center of the window with the specified text as the message.
This method has the following syntax:
integer = CurFrame.ConfirmPopup(messagetext = nvarchar(2000))
integer = CurProcedure.ConfirmPopup(messagetext = nvarchar(2000))
This method has the following parameter:
Specifies the text of the message
The box has two buttons, OK and Cancel, and a standard icon for confirmation messages. The font used to display the text in the dialog is the default font for your Windows system: TF_SYSTEM, PV_BOLD, type size = 8.
This method returns a value of PU_OK if the user clicks OK to close the dialog and PU_CANCEL if the user clicks Cancel. (Descriptions of system constant values and their numeric equivalents are listed in Pop-up Reply Codes).) For example:
on click destroy_button =
    if CurFrame.ConfirmPopup(messagetext =
        'Are you sure you wish to destroy' +
                   objectname) = PU_OK then
                   /* destroy the object */
                   /* User canceled the destroy */
You must use CurFrame or CurProcedure to call the ConfirmPopup method.
Last modified date: 06/25/2024