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CurBias Attribute
Data Type: smallint
4GL Access: RW
The CurBias attribute specifies the current bias setting for a field.
This attribute changes the current bias for the field immediately. It also changes the setting of the field's mode/bias attribute that corresponds to the frame's mode (specified in CurMode).
For example, if the frame value of CurMode is FM_READ, and you set CurBias for a field to FB_INVISIBLE, OpenROAD automatically sets the ReadBias attribute for that field to FB_INVISIBLE.
Because the CurBias attribute is dependent on the frame's mode, attempts to obtain or set the value of the CurBias attribute fail if the field or its ancestor has no parent. However, if you set the bias for a mode, such as UpdateBias, the field need not have a parent.
Valid biases for form fields are:
Specifies that the end user can select or tab to the field and can edit its data
Specifies that the field can take a Clickpoint event
Specifies that the field is dimmed and the user cannot interact with it. For fields that do not support the dimmed bias, OpenROAD uses FB_VISIBLE instead.
Specifies that the end user can draw a drag box starting in the field
Specifies that the end user can draw a line segment starting in the field
Specifies that the end user can select the field with the mouse and can move or resize the field
Specifies that the field is not displayed on the form, so the end user cannot interact with it. However, the application can continue to set and access its data.
Specifies that the end user can select or tab to the field but cannot edit its data
Specifies that the end user can select the field with the mouse
Specifies that the end user can select the field with the mouse and can move it, but not resize it
Specifies that the end user can select the field with the mouse and can resize the field, but not move it
Specifies that the field is displayed as in FB_VISIBLE bias. However, the end user can use the mouse to browse through the content of the field.
Specifies that the field is displayed
Descriptions of system constant values and their numeric equivalents are listed in Field Bias Settings.
For more information about field biases, see the Programming Guide.
Setting the CurBias attribute of a composite field can affect the bias behavior of its child fields. A child field cannot have a bias that permits it more functionality than the bias of the parent. Consequently, if you set the bias of the parent field to a bias that is more restrictive than the child's, the child's bias behavior is also lowered.
OpenROAD does not actually change the setting of the child field's bias. It merely enforces “as if” behavior, that is, the child behaves as if its bias was changed. When you relax the bias of the parent, OpenROAD once again enforces the child field's actual bias.
For example, if you set the CurBias attribute for a table field to FB_VISIBLE, none of the columns is accessible, even if the individual bias of each is set to FB_CHANGEABLE. However, this change in bias is temporary, and the columns can be edited when the CurBias for the table field is reset to FB_CHANGEABLE.
The following table shows which bias is enforced for a child field for any combination of parent/child biases:
Last modified date: 06/25/2024