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DeleteTabPage Method
The DeleteTabPage method is used to remove a TabPage from a TabFolder.
This method has the following syntax:
integer = TabFolder.DeleteTabPage(pagenum = integer, allpages = integer)
This method has the following parameters:
Note:  Either the pagenum or allpages parameter must be used.
Specifies the page number of the tab to delete. When using the pagenum parameter, only the tab page corresponding to the value passed to pagenum is deleted, unless allpages is set to TRUE. If pagenum is not specified, allpages must be set to TRUE.
Specifies that all tab pages should be deleted. Valid values are TRUE or FALSE. Setting the allpages parameter to TRUE causes all tab pages to be deleted, regardless of any pagenum setting. If allpages is FALSE or not specified, pagenum must be specified.
Last modified date: 06/25/2024