ExactWidth Attribute
Data Type: integer
4GL Access: RW
If ExactWidth is not zero, it specifies the width of the EntryField. Typically, the width of an EntryField is determined by the CharsPerLine and UseWidestCharacter attributes, and the width is always a multiple of the average character width. However, when the ExactWidth attribute is non-zero, it overrides the CharsPerLine attribute.
The ExactWidth attribute also affects the behavior of the Frame Editor when a user drags a selection handle to change the width of an EntryField. If ExactWidth is zero, the final width of the field is adjusted to be a multiple of the average character width. If ExactWidth is non-zero, the final width is determined exactly by the placement of the selection handles.
If ExactWidth is greater than 0, setting CharsPerLine, Width, and OuterWidth has no effect.
Last modified date: 06/25/2024