FormatBitmap Method
The FormatBitmap method converts a bitmap object of any format that OpenROAD can read into a 24-bit bitmap object, icon, or cursor bitmap.
Most of the BitmapObject manipulation methods require a 24 bit-bitmap and automatically convert the source bitmap to the appropriate format; this method enables the conversion to 24-bit to be applied explicitly at runtime.
Note: The resulting bitmap will have the same filehandle, dbhandle, and label values as the source bitmap; to minimize the risk of overwriting one with the other, set the label attribute to a different value to enable the two bitmaps to be distinguished cleanly during subsequent processing.
This method has the following syntax:
BitmapObject = BitmapObject.FormatBitmap([formattype = integer]
[, formatmode = integer][, width = integer][, height = integer]
[, force = integer][, xHotspot = integer][, yHotspot = integer])
This method has the following parameters:
Specifies the output format. This is always 24-bit. Valid values are:
Bitmap (BMP) format
Icon (ICO) format
Cursor (CUR) format
Default: BF_BMP
Specifies the mode to apply if resizing the bitmap. Valid values are:
Preserves black outlines and text in monochrome displays when shrinking (white text on black disappears).
Preserves white outlines and text in monochrome displays when shrinking (black text on white disappears).
Maps pixels from the source bitmap to the destination bitmap, preserving exact pixel colors. This means that the color contribution of any deleted pixels when shrinking is lost.
Maps pixels from the source bitmap to the destination bitmap using a half-tone approximation algorithm that takes account of excluded pixels when shrinking and smooths pixel transitions when expanding.
Specifies the width in pixels of the destination bitmap.
Specifies the height in pixels of the destination bitmap.
Specifies whether to reformat the bitmap if the size, type, and mode are not being changed.
Specifies the x-location of the hotspot on the cursor bitmap (in pixels). This applies only to cursor bitmaps.
Specifies the y-location of the hotspot on the cursor bitmap (in pixels). This applies only to cursor bitmaps.
The method returns the reformatted bitmap if successful, and null if not successful.
Last modified date: 06/25/2024