Initiate Method
The Initiate method connects to an appropriate server process that hosts the specified OpenROAD application image. An initiate must be done once—and only once—prior to using the Call4GL or JsonRpcRequest method.
This method has the following syntax:
Integer = RemoteServer.Initiate(image = imagepath, type = rptype
[, flags = startflags][, location = locationname ]
[, routing = routingstring])
This method has the following parameters:
Specifies the full path to the OpenROAD image file to be loaded in case type is not RP_LOCAL and routing is neither 'http' nor 'http-jsonrpc'.
If routing is 'http', it will be passed to the OpenROAD HTTP Gatekeeper, which usually takes this parameter as the name (AkaName) of the application to connect to.
Specifies one of the following types:
The RP_LOCAL type is useful for development and debugging. When initiated in RP_LOCAL mode, all 4GL calls on the RemoteServer object are forwarded to a local instance of the named 4GL procedure (within the current application on its included applications) and not sent to an OpenROAD Server.
Descriptions of system constant values and their numeric equivalents are listed in
RemoteServer Settings).
Specifies a string containing authentication credentials if routing is either 'http' nor 'http-jsonrpc', or the OpenROAD application startup flags is otherwise.
It is ignored if type is RP_LOCAL.
Identifies the location where the application server is to be started. It is one of the following:
• URL of the Gatekeeper if routing is 'http'
Example: 'http://localhost:8080/openroad/gatekeeper'
• URL of the OpenROADJSONRPC or OpenROADJSONRPCg servlet if routing is 'http-jsonrpc' including the application name in the app parameter.
Example: 'http://localhost:8080/openroadg/jsonrpc?app=comtest'
• The grpc target port (machine:port) if routing is 'grpc'
• Machine name or IP address of a COM server
If it is empty or omitted, the local machine will be used.
Specifies a routing string. The following values are supported:
A COM or DCOM connection will be used; the traffic between the client and server will be compressed
An unauthenticated COM or DCOM connection will be used
Combination of 'unauthenticated’ and 'compressed'
A gRPC connection to the server will be used
A connection will be established through an OpenROAD HTTP Gatekeeper (the JsonRpcRequest() method is not available in the connection)
A connection will be established through an OpenROADJSONRPC servlet or an OpenROADJSONRPCg servlet
Note: If the Initiate method is invoked directly to make a connection to an image (type is not RP_LOCAL and routing is neither 'http' nor 'http-jsonrpc'), the Name server is bypassed.
If the Initiate method is successful, method is successful, it returns ER_OK; a failure returns ER_FAIL.
Note: In the case of a failure, you can obtain more information about the cause of the failure from the Errorcode and Errortext attributes.
Descriptions of system constant values and their numeric equivalents are listed in
Error Codes and
RemoteServer Settings.
Last modified date: 06/25/2024