InsertColumn Method
The InsertColumn method adds a new column to a table field.
This method has the following syntax:
TableField.InsertColumn(fieldtoinsert = ActiveField[, position = integer],
title = varchar(256))
This method has the following parameters:
Specifies a field that becomes the prototype field for the new column
Specifies the ordinal position of the column in the table field. OpenROAD numbers table field columns from left to right for vertical table fields, or from top to bottom for horizontal table fields. The numbering starts with one. If you do not specify a position, OpenROAD inserts the column into position one.
Specifies the title of the new column
When you add a new column, OpenROAD automatically adjusts the positions of the current columns.
For a discussion and example of adding a column to a table field dynamically, see the Programming Guide.
Last modified date: 06/25/2024