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IsMoveBounded Attribute
Data Type: smallint
4GL Access: RW
The IsMoveBounded attribute specifies whether the child fields of the composite field can move outside of the boundaries of the composite field.
Valid values are:
Specifies that the end user cannot move the child fields outside of the boundary of the composite field
Specifies that the end user can move the child fields outside the boundaries of the composite field, but they remain syntactically part of the composite. That is, if the composite field has an associated variable, you must continue to refer to its children in your 4GL code using dot notation, even if they are outside of the composite boundary.
Default: TRUE for all CompositeField types except FlexibleForm and TableField. FALSE by default for FlexibleForm and not applicable to TableField.
Note:  This attribute is applicable only when the child field has a field bias of FB_MOVEABLE and only when the end user attempts to move the field, not when the application does.
Last modified date: 06/25/2024