LayerSequence Attribute
Data Type: integer
4GL Access: RW
The LayerSequence attribute specifies a field's sequence number within the layering, that is, the back-to-front order of fields within the two form layers (the field layer and the shape layer). The field that is farthest in the back is numbered one. The default is determined by the order of creation.
You can move a field or shape to the bottom of its layer by setting LayerSequence to one. You can move a shape or field to the top of its layer by setting LayerSequence to any value greater than or equal to the number of objects in the layer.
For example, if there are five fields on a subform, you can bring one to the top by setting its LayerSequence attribute to five or more. When you do so, OpenROAD automatically sets LayerSequence to five.
For more information about layering, see
RequireRealField Attribute.
Last modified date: 06/25/2024