Moved Event
The Moved event is triggered when the user moves a field that has a bias of FB_MOVEABLE or FB_FLEXIBLE. The event is triggered after the move is complete.
This event has the following syntax:
on moved [fieldname]
fieldname is optional if you specify the event block in a field script.
The following attributes of the FrameExec class can used in the Moved event block:
Specifies the field with a bias of FB_MOVEABLE or FB_FLEXIBLE that was moved
Specifies the field specified in the initial on moved statement
Use the CurFrame system variable to access these attributes. For more information, see
FrameExec Class.
Usage: The Moved event is defined for all form fields. This event cannot be specified for menu fields.
The Moved event can be used to indicate that the user has moved a field. This event is not often used because it is more efficient to place fields in a composite field and specify a ChildMoved event for the composite field to detect the movement of any child field. (For more information about this event, see
ChildMoved Event.) However, you can use a Moved event block for a field if moving that particular field must trigger specific code.
More information:
Last modified date: 06/25/2024