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NewJsonValue Method
Creates a new JsonValue subclass object for a given value (scalar or object).
This method has the following syntax:
JsonValue = JsonHandler.NewJsonValue(value = variable)
This method has the following parameter:
Specifies the variable for which a new JsonValue should be created.
The following mapping rules between the OpenROAD types and JsonValue subclasses apply:
OpenROAD Type
JsonValue subclass
NULL value (of any type)
decimal, float (any precision), integer (any size), money
varchar, nvarchar
absolute dates are specified in ISO8601 format:
"yyyy-mm-ddThh:mi:ssZ" (for date with time)
"yyyy-mm-dd" (for date without time)
The serializable attributes of a class are represented as members (see the SetSerializableClassAttributes() method).
The member name is the attribute name (casing is dependent on the GenMixedCaseMemberNames attribute setting).
It will also contain a "classname" member if the type of the object is different from the declared type or if the AlwaysAddClassName attribute of the JsonHandler is set to TRUE.
The JsonObject will contain a "rows" member, which is a JsonArray containing the JsonObject instances for the objects in the OpenROAD array.
It will also contain a "row_class" member if the type of the array is different from the declared type or if the AlwaysAddClassName attribute of the JsonHandler is set to TRUE.
Last modified date: 06/25/2024