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ReplyPopup Method
The ReplyPopup method displays a reply-style pop-up message box in the center of the window with a single line of text as the message. The end user can enter a response.
This method has the following syntax:
integer = CurFrame.ReplyPopup(messagetext =
          nvarchar(2000), reply = StringObject)
integer = CurProcedure.ReplyPopup(messagetext =
          nvarchar(2000), reply = StringObject)
The reply-style dialog displays a single-line prompt and lets the user enter a response.
This method has the following parameters:
Contains the text of the pop-up message
Stores the user's response in the string object
There are two buttons in this dialog, OK and Cancel. The method returns PU_OK if the end user clicks OK and PU_CANCEL if the user clicks Cancel. Descriptions of system constant values and their numeric equivalents are listed in Pop-up Reply Codes).
To specify a default value for the response, set the Value attribute of the StringObject variable. When you call the method and specify the StringObject with the reply parameter, the user sees the default response value in the dialog. For example:
initialize(response_value = StringObject,
    = integer, prompt_value = varchar(100)) =
    response_value.Value = 'John Doe';
    response_type = CurFrame.ReplyPopup(
        messagetext = 'Enter name of client.',
        reply = response_value);
    if response_type = PU_OK then
        prompt_value = response_value.Value;
Of course, the user can enter a different response, which replaces the default response.
The font used to display the text in the dialog is the default font as determined by your Windows system.
You must use the CurFrame or CurProcedure system variable to call the ReplyPopup method.
Last modified date: 06/25/2024