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SeparatorMoving Attribute
Data Type: integer
4GL Access: RW
The SeparatorMoving attribute provides a way for users to change the size of StackField cells by dragging the cell separators.
The SeparatorMoving attribute may have one of the following values:
Specifies that the mouse pointer changes when it is over the separator to indicate that the separator can be moved. When the separator is dragged, a line is drawn to indicate where the separator will be when the mouse button is released. When the mouse button is released, a SeparatorMove (or ChildSeparatorMove) event is generated. The SeparatorMove event delivers a SeparatorMoveInfo object that specifies which separator was dragged and provides the new position of the separator. On receipt of the SeparatorMove event, the program must make any necessary adjustment in the fields contained in the StackField cells.
Specifies that the mouse pointer changes when it is over the separator to indicate that the separator can be moved. When the separator is dragged, a line is drawn to indicate where the separator will be when the mouse button is released. When the mouse button is released, the stackfield cells are automatically resized. The field to the left of the separator (or on top if it is a vertical stackfield) is resized; the fields to the right of the separator (or below the separator) retain their sizes, but slide into a new position. Both SeparatorMove and ChildSeparatorMove events are generated when the mouse button is released.
The stackfield cells may contain other composite fields; the child fields are adjusted as necessary. There is one important restriction, however; the children of the StackField, and their children, must be one of the following:
Specifies that moving the mouse cursor over a StackField separator has no effect
Default: SM_NONE
For more information, see SeparatorMove Event. Descriptions of system constant values and their numeric equivalents are listed in Separator Move Settings.
Last modified date: 06/25/2024