SetBranchChecked Method
The SetBranchChecked method sets all descendants of a node (optionally including the node itself) to be either checked or not checked. If the node is not specified or null, then all nodes of the tree are to have their ischecked state set.
This method has the following syntax:
integer = Tree.SetBranchChecked([node = TreeNode, checkstate = integer, includetopnode = integer])
This method has the following parameters:
(Optional) Specifies the node whose descendants are to be set. If NULL or unspecified, then all nodes of the tree are specified.
(Optional) Specifies whether nodes are to be checked. If TRUE, all nodes are to be checked. If False, all nodes are to be unchecked.
Default: TRUE
(Optional) Specifies whether the node specified by the node parameter is included. If TRUE, then the node gets checkstate set also. If FALSE, checkstate is not set.
Default: TRUE
Last modified date: 06/25/2024