SizeToFit Attribute
Data Type: integer
4GL Access: RW
The SizeToFit attribute specifies how the subform will resize relative to its parent and to the frame.
Valid values are:
Specifies that the subform fills the frame window that contains it, to the extent that its parent field will allow, while preserving its defined XLeft and YTop.
It does not extend beyond the visible area of the frame's topform.
This setting enables toolbars and icon fields to be anchored at the right or bottom of the frame window or the toolbar strips; using STF_PARENT, these fields would not be displayed.
Specifies that the subform horizontally fills the frame window that contains it, to the extent that its parent field will allow, while preserving its defined XLeft, YTop, and Height.
Specifies that the subform vertically fills the frame window that contains it, to the extent that its parent field will allow, while preserving its defined XLeft, YTop, and Width.
Specifies that the subform fills the area of the containing field or cell that lies beyond its XLeft and YTop.
To completely fill the containing field, set the XLeft and YTop of the subform to 0.
If the containing field is a StackField or MatrixField, the subform is limited by the cell it occupies; for a MatrixField this can affect both width and height; for a StackField this can be only the dimension perpendicular to the orientation of the StackField.
If the containing field is a FlexibleForm, the SubForm fills to the current right and bottom edge of the FlexibleForm.
If the containing field is a SubForm, FrameForm, MainBar, ViewPortField, or TabPage, the subform's OuterWidth and OuterHeight are set to the maximum width and height the containing field can enclose.
Specifies that the subform horizontally fills the field or cell that contains it, while preserving its defined XLeft, YTop, and Height.
Specifies that the subform vertically fills the field or cell that contains it, while preserving its defined XLeft, YTop, and Width.
Specifies that the subform's size is not affected by the size of its parentfield or frame.
Descriptions of system constant values and their numeric equivalents are listed in
SizeToFit Settings.
Last modified date: 06/25/2024