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TagValues Attribute
Data Type: array of StringObject
4GL Access: RW
The TagValues attribute specifies the values associated with this type of tag as one or more value definition keywords. Typically this array has a single entry, the keyword that identifies the where clause or file defining the actual list; however, the array may also contain individual values or additional keywords for lists, where the complete list cannot be characterized otherwise.
Usually keywords are translated into the corresponding values or lists by the ValueDefinitionProxy.ListTextValues method (see ListTextValues Method), and the sets of values from each entry are merged for use in the order specified in the TagValues array.
If the NewValuesAllowed attribute is set to FALSE, the list is inclusive; if TRUE, the list is exemplary.
As with system attributes, the majority of defined tags have a set of discrete possible values (a list) rather than a range. Exceptions are tags such as displaysize and publicname; in most such cases, where there is little advantage in attempting to delimit a valueset, the appropriate setting is TVS_NA (not available/applicable/appropriate).
Last modified date: 06/25/2024