WhichRow Method
The WhichRow method returns the number of the row within the data array that contains the data in a specified table field cell.
This method has the following syntax:
integer = TableField.WhichRow(cellfield = FormField)
This method has the following parameter:
Specifies the table field cell
If the specified cell is not part of the table field or is empty, this method returns zero.
The WhichRow method is useful in ChildExit event processing for determining whether the end user has exited a row within the table field. For example, the ChildExit event block for the emptable table field might contain the following fragment:
if field(emptable).CurRow !=
field(emptable).WhichRow(cellfield = CurFrame.TargetField)
/* ...(the row is being exited)... */
For more information about using this method, see the Programming Guide.
Last modified date: 06/25/2024