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WriteToFile Method
The WriteToFile method writes a bitmap associated with a BitmapObject object to a file.
This method has the following syntax:
integer = BitmapObject.WriteToFile(filename = varchar(256),
          format = integer)
This method has the following parameters:
Specifies the file into which the bitmap is to be placed
Specifies the format for the file. Valid values are:
Specifies X bitmap (monochrome images only)
Specifies Sun raster format (color or monochrome)
Specifies GIF format
Specifies TIFF format
Specifies bitmap (.BMP)
Specifies cursor only
Specifies .JPG format
Specifies icon only
Specifies .PNG format. When writing a PNG image file:
Image data is written in RGB or RGBA format with 8-bit channels.
Because the BitmapObject populated from reading a PNG format file may ignore non-critical chunks (which may describe information such as image histograms, pixel dimensions, and textual data), the file written may differ in length from the one originally read.
Because the BitmapObject populated from reading a PNG format file may have data transformations implicitly performed (grayscale to RGB, 16-bit colors to 8-bit, and so on), the file written may differ in length from the one originally read.
Descriptions of system constant values and their numeric equivalents are listed in Bitmap File Formats for BitmapObject.
This method returns ER_OK if successful, or ER_FAIL for failure. Descriptions of system constant values and their numeric equivalents are listed in Error Codes.
Last modified date: 06/25/2024