BitmapObject Class Gets New Attribute and Methods
The BitmapObject class, which represents objects that are bitmaps, has a new attribute:
Data Type: varchar(1024)
4GL Access: RW
Enables bitmap objects to be characterized and distinguished.
The BitmapObject class has the following new methods:
Empties the bitmap object and builds a new bitmap of the specified size and color.
Captures a displayed region of a field, frame, or screen as a bitmap object, and optionally replaces the captured region with the image from a different bitmap.
Collates a passed array of bitmap objects (elements) into a single bitmap object (the host bitmap itself).
Changes the bitmap to display an anti-aliased corner curve with the specified border width, border color, interior, and exterior.
Obtains the set of all elements of a specified type contained in a composite BitmapObject. The elements can be images, sectors, or sprite source icons.
Captures a region of the bitmap object image as another bitmap object. If a target bitmap is supplied, its contents are replaced by the extract.
Applies a specified replacement color to those pixels that either match the color of a specified "seed" pixel or fall within a color-defined boundary. The color change may be restricted further to only those neighboring pixels that directly or indirectly match the seed pixel.
Converts a bitmap object of any format that OpenROAD can read into a 24-bit bitmap object, icon, or cursor bitmap.
Extracts the specified element from a multi-image bitmap that is currently displayed as a field’s background. The element can be an image, sector, sprite icon, or embedded sprite.
Converts a bitmap object of any format that OpenROAD can read into a 24-bit bitmap object, icon, or cursor bitmap.
Creates a gradient and applies it to the bitmap. The gradient can be specified as a seed bitmap or as a pattern (with optional driftpattern parameter).
Searches within the bitmap for a specified bitmap image. If the match parameter is TRUE, the method determines whether the two bitmap objects contain identical images.
Rotates or reflects a bitmap geometrically.
Replaces an area of a bitmap with another bitmap.
Changes the size of the bitmap to a specified new size.
Applies a specified replacement color to one or more pixels defined by position.
For more information, see BitmapObject Class in the Language Reference Guide.
Last modified date: 06/25/2024