Migration Guide > Migration Guide > A. Features Introduced in OpenROAD 4.1 > Reporter Enhancements > Call Interface to Dialog Frames and Reporter Procedures
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Call Interface to Dialog Frames and Reporter Procedures
Calling via Dialog Frame
callframe <Dialogname> (PM_RunMode = runmode,
                        PM_PopErr = smallint not null,
                        PM_DirName = dirname,
                        PM_Img_Db = imgdb,
                        PM_ImgDir = imgdir,
                        PM_database = datadb);
Optional Parameters
PM_RunMode: default CS_RM_IS (Image Server) – only meaningful if report uses image trim
PM_PopErr: (default FALSE) – when TRUE, errors are displayed in popup windows
PM_DirName: directory for temporary output files. The dialog will try to pick a reasonable directory if none is given
PM_Database: (default = curframe.dbsession.database (database name) ) - required only if data resides in a database other than the current dbsession.
PM_Img_Db: required only if:
Report uses image trim and
PM_RunMode = CS_RM_DI (database images) and
Images are stored in a database other than PM_Database (when PM_database is supplied) or images are not stored in current database
PM_ImgDir: required only if report uses disk-resident images and images are not located in original paths
Calling a Report Procedure
callproc <procname>(PM_Outputdir = tmpdir,
PM_OutputFile = left(repname,8),
 PM_runmode = runmode,
PM_PopErr = poperr,
 PM_Imgdir = imgdir );
Required Parameters
PM_Outputdir – directory for temporary output files
PM_OutputFile – temporary file name
Optional Parameters
PM_Runmode: default CS_RM_IS
This is only meaningful if report uses image trim that is not stored locally on disk valid runtime values:
CS_RM_IS – use image server
CS_RM_DI – use database-resident image trim
PM_PopErr: default FALSE
When TRUE, most runtime errors are displayed as a popup
PM_ImgDir: required only if report uses disk-resident images and images are not located in original paths. Valid runtime values:
'dirname' - a valid directory containing all disk-based image trim
''   - use environment variable II_REPIMAGE_DIR, if set; otherwise use original paths
'<embed>' - use original paths; ignore any setting of II_REPIMAGE_DIR
Last modified date: 06/25/2024