Frames Without a Titlebar Can Be Dragged
OpenROAD frames without a titlebar can now be moved in "show contents while dragging" mode by dragging a field instead. Here's how to accomplish this.
The drag field can be any ActiveField visible in the frame. If you are using this field to simulate a titlebar, use a SubForm within the top MainBar, and give the SubForm a SizeToFit setting of STF_FRAMEHORIZONTAL so that its width always matches the frame width. This means you can incorporate your title text using a left-aligned FreeTrim field, and incorporate your iconize, maximize, and close icons as ButtonFields in a right-aligned StackField.
To enable dragging:
• The drag field must contain a BgBitmap, although the bitmap need not be displayed. This bitmap must be a compound BitmapObject that contains one or more sprites (use the BitmapObject ComposeBitmap method in the Language Reference Guide to create the bitmap).
• The field must have a BgDisplayPolicy of BDP_CORNERED.
• The field must also be activated for "show contents while dragging": populate a SpriteDescriptor object with the appropriate settings, and use the SpriteDescriptor ApplySpriteMap method to activate the field with it.
• The frame itself must have no titlebar, otherwise the field will move, not the frame.
The following code illustrates how you could provide this facility. It assumes a frame with no titlebar, and a field called "titlebar." After the code has run, dragging the "titlebar" field will drag the frame.
SD = SpriteDescriptor;
SDS = array of SpriteDescriptor;
** Prepare the field
** Make the field draggable in “show contents while dragging” mode
SD.SetAttribute(spritesourceindex=0, response=RSP_DRAG, x=0, y=0);
SD.ApplySpriteMap(targetfield=field(titlebar), descriptors=SDS);
Last modified date: 06/25/2024