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Installer Enhancements
The following installer enhancements are made in this release:
Installation of the Application Server
Upgrade of Enterprise Access
Installation of JDBC
Running VASA in a Runtime-only Installation
Determining Whether a Reboot Is Recommended
Installation of Thin Client Demos
Installation of the Application Server
The files necessary to run an Application Server client are now a part of the OpenROAD Runtime component. The Application Server component need only be selected if a server is in fact needed. The server is only supported on Windows NT and Windows 2000. If it was previously installed on Windows 95 or Windows 98 using the OpenROAD 4.1 GA installer, it will be removed by the MR installer.
The Application Server installer (asreg.exe) now detects whether the Application Server was previously installed. Access permissions will not be modified if the Application Server was previously installed. SPO permissions are corrected so that only SYSTEM is granted SPO Launch permissions by asreg.
The Domain Portal (DPO) is no longer utilized. It will not be installed or registered in a new installation, and it will be removed and unregistered in existing installations.
Note:  Asreg is now only run on Windows NT and Windows 2000. There is no need to run this program on Windows 9x.
Upgrade of Enterprise Access
Enterprise Access to Oracle, Sybase, Informix, and SQL Server can now optionally be upgraded to versions EA 2.1 or EA 2.6 using the OpenROAD 4.1 MR installer, if a prior version of that product has been installed.
Installation of JDBC
In the OpenROAD 4.1 GA installer, the files necessary to install JDBC were provided. However, the product was not installed automatically. As of the OpenROAD 4.1 MR installer, JDBC will be installed with Ingres/Net.
Running VASA in a Runtime-only Installation
The Visual ASA (VASA) shortcut created by the InstallShield installer now executes through the OpenROAD Runtime executable w4glrun.exe, rather than w4gldev.exe. This enables VASA to be started in a Runtime-only installation.
Determining Whether a Reboot Is Recommended
The installer was designed to advise users as to whether a reboot of their system was recommended after running the installer, specifically if a locked file was found or the autoexec.bat file needed to be read. Occasionally users were not prompted to reboot when a locked file was found (usually after applying a patch), or was incorrectly advised to reboot when Ingres was installed on a system without an autoexec.bat, specifically, Windows 2000 or Windows NT. These cases are corrected.
Installation of Thin Client Demos
Previously some of the files used by the web-based demos were distributed as part of the thin client demo component. This is corrected.
Last modified date: 06/25/2024