New Configurable HTTP Gatekeeper
The OpenROAD HTTP Gatekeeper in the previous version of OpenROAD was provided as source only with sample code that contained various hard-coded examples demonstrating how things could be done. Users manually had to edit and compile the code to prepare it for production use.
This version of OpenROAD offers an additional HTTP gatekeeper. You may use this gatekeeper out of the box by simply copying some files provided and setting configuration options in the corresponding XML configuration file (web.xml, web.config).
The new gatekeeper is supplied in the following directories:
• %II_SYSTEM%\ingres\orjava\Gatekeeper2
• %II_SYSTEM%\ingres\ordotnet\Gatekeeper2
UNIX or Linux
• $II_SYSTEM/ingres/orjava/Gatekeeper2
• $II_SYSTEM/ingres/ordotnet/Gatekeeper2
For more information about configuring and using the new gatekeeper, see the Server Reference Guide and the readme.txt files contained in these directories.
Last modified date: 06/25/2024