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New System Class Features
This section discusses system classes that have new features.
The BarPosition attribute determines whether tabs are placed at the top or bottom of a TabFolder.
Providing a high level of control over the visual appearance of the window is essential when building a highly complex GUI. OpenROAD EntryFields (single- and multiline) could only be sized horizontally based on the number of visible characters, which itself is a calculation.
The ExactWidth attribute lets the developer specify the exact width of entry fields, which makes it possible to provide exact resizing of windows when the user resizes the window.
ButtonField, CellAttribute, CompositeField, EntryField, EnumField, TreeviewField, SliderField, TabBar
To form hyperlinks that, on typical HTML pages, are often represented as underlined text, OpenROAD fields that currently support formatting such as bold and italic type now support underlining. The IsUnderlined attribute works only with fields that use a native type font. System classes that now have IsUnderlined added as an attribute are EntryField and ButtonField.
The following new attributes were added to the SliderField system class:
The Style attribute lets the user display a trackbar-style SliderField.
The TextDisplayBehavior attribute determines how the text label appears when there is more text than will fit into the button. This attribute lets the user specify one of several different types of ellipses (...).
The LocateString method searches forward or backward depending on the setting of the backwards parameter, which is a new optional parameter for the method.
The WinHelp method supports the new HTML Help file format.
Last modified date: 06/25/2024