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ProcExec FilePopup Method Gets New Parameters
The ProcExec class, which represents a running version of a procedure or frame in an application, has new parameters for the FilePopup method, used to display a file selection dialog in the center of the current frame. The new syntax is:
integer = ProcExec.FilePopup([messagetext = nvarchar(256), ]reply = StringObject
[, operation = integer][, defaultextension = nvarchar(256)]
          [, promptifexists = integer][, allowmultiselect = integer])
New parameters include:
Specifies that an extension should be appended to the file name displayed as the default for an FOP_SAVE operation. This extension changes whenever the user switches the filter to be applied. The value provided can be a simple file name including extension, a full file name including path and extension, or an extension in the format *.extension. If the path is included, the popup will navigate to the path folder before opening.
If defaultextension is not set, no extension is displayed.
Specifies that the user is prompted to continue or cancel if the specified name will overwrite an existing file.
Default: FALSE
Specifies that the user may select multiple files in an FOP_OPEN operation. If the user selects multiple files, the reply string contains multiple lines of text, as follows:
The first line contains the full path of the folder containing these files.
Each other line contains the file name of one of the selected files.
If the user selects a single file, the reply string contains a single line of text consisting of the full path and file name of the selected file, regardless of the setting of this parameter.
Default: FALSE
For more information about ProcExec.FilePopup, see the Language Reference Guide.
Last modified date: 06/25/2024