Query Tool Demo Application
The Query Tool is an Ingres data management application written in OpenROAD 4GL. It provides a number of features that enable developers or data analysts to maintain and manipulate data in their local and remote Ingres installations. It lets you run ad hoc queries against a database.
The Query Tool provides full Query-By-Forms-style tabular and simple editor interfaces for database tables and a GUI-based version of Joindefs so that you can create primary/detail-style interfaces to multiple tables. You can readily browse and qualify data using the data browser features. A number of assistants help with the creation of select statements, tables, and views. They aid with the migration of data into Microsoft Excel or SCalc.
For more information about the Query Tool, see the
Workbench User Guide and search the Actian Community at
Support for Query Tool is provided through the Actian Community.
Last modified date: 06/25/2024