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Report Procedure Tool
This section contains a detailed description of the Report Procedure Tool.
The Report Procedure Tool display consists of the menu bar and the following three regions:
Dynamic Procedure List
Database/Application Information
Report List
Dynamic Procedure List
This view-only list displays the dynamic procedures created during the current Reporter session. The fields are:
Field Name
Session Reports
Dynamic procedure names
Short Remark
Comment for report
Procedure Saved
Saved flag: whether the procedure has been exported
Default database for report
Associated print dialog frame
Frame Saved
Saved flag: whether frame has been exported
Database/Application Information
The database/application information area has the following fields:
Field Name
Entry field allows the naming of any accessible database to which a connection may be established
Option Field listing OpenROAD applications within the selected database
Report List
There is no way to distinguish Reporter procedures from other procedures. To facilitate the identification of Reporter-generated procedures contained in OpenROAD applications, the first part of the short remark is an identifier tag "<...>" that is used by the Procedure Tool.
Note:  If you edit Reporter-generated procedures or frames, ensure that you do not change the identifier tag if you want the Procedure Tool to recognize the Reporter-generated objects. Failure to recognize a component prevents it from being displayed in the Application Reports List, but does not otherwise interfere with functionality.
The fields in this view-only list are:
Field Name
Application Reports
A list of reports in the currently selected application
Short Remark
With tag removed
Associated print dialog frame
Menu Bar
The menu bar has the following main menu items.
The following items are found on the File menu:
Menu Item
Save Session Report
Export selected dynamic procedure and specified associated components (Reports/Options/Include) to a file. This operation always writes out the export file(s), even if not changed.
Save Image Server
Export a new or updated Image Server Frame to a file.
Import Dyn Proc
Temporarily load a report procedure from an export file.
Exit Procedure Tool. Prompt for specified unsaved components.
Note:  All menu items marked with an asterisk (*) are definable as user preferences.
The following items are found on the View menu:
Menu Item
Application Info*
Show Database/Application and Application Report areas
Refresh Applications
Reload application list for selected database
Refresh Reports
Reload report list for selected application
Image Server
Display the current Image Server Frame
Batch File
Display the current application report import script for viewing only
Note:  All menu items marked with an asterisk (*) are definable as user preferences.
The following items are found on the Reports menu:
Menu Item
Run the currently selected dynamic procedure using the Procedure Tool’s settings for locating images.
Convert RW Reports
Run the Report-Writer Conversion Tool RWConv to convert Report-Writer reports into 4GL procedures that can be run using the Reporter API.
Install To Application/
Write Install Script
Import selected report components to selected application or create a batch file for execution at a later time.
These two items are alternate views of the same menu button and are controlled by Reports/Options/Immediate.
The user is prompted to save if the component has not been exported during the current session.
Batch Import
Execute an existing application report import script.
Options ->
Replace Existing*
Add Selected/Add All*
Include ->

        Dialog Frame*
        Image Server*
Trace ->*
The default is FALSE.
If TRUE use '–m –nreplace' when importing procedures to target application and do not prompt if clashes are detected.
If FALSE and a clash is detected, you have the option to overwrite. (Clashes cannot always be detected.)
The default is FALSE.
When TRUE, exported reports are imported into the target application immediately by 'w4gldev backupapp in ...'
When FALSE, a report import script is created and can be run from Reports/Batch Import, or at any time from the Windows Run command or from a CMD window.
Select which dynamic procedures to install to target application.
Applies to both export and import of the selected dynamic procedure
(Default TRUE) - dynamic procedure
(Default FALSE) - associated print dialog frame
(Default FALSE) - current Image Server
Standard OpenROAD trace flags to be used on import of procedures to applications
Note:  All menu items marked with an asterisk (*) are definable as user preferences.
The following items are found on the Images menu:
Menu Item
Image Server ->

Create New
Add Images

Add Image Options ->
    Replace Existing
Add Selected/Add All*
Import an image server frame from disk and initialize the Image Server global variable
Create a new Image Server Frame from a built-in template
Add images to the dynamic image server frame from the currently available dynamic procedures
If an image of the same ID already exists in the image server, replace it. (Not yet implemented.)
Add images for the currently selected procedure or for all listed dynamic procedures
Options ->
Check for Images*
Use Image Server*

Use Image Dir*
During installation of reports to target applications
(Default TRUE) - Set to FALSE to run dynamic procedure with database-resident images
(Default TRUE) - Set to FALSE to run dynamic procedures with original paths for images
Note:  All menu items marked with an asterisk (*) are definable as user preferences.
The following items are found on the Options menu:
Menu Item
Auto ->
Refresh Apps*
Refresh Reports*
Load ImgSvr*
Reload application list when database is changed
Reload report list when application is changed
Load image server on startup of frame
Files ->
Replace Existing*
Use Default Names*
Batch File*
Image Directory*
Image Server*
Working Directory*
Overwrite existing files without prompting
Derive names from component names (recommended)
Set/change report import script name
Set/change bitmap image directory
Set/change Image Server Frame name
Set/change directory for report procedures –shown in title bar
Last modified date: 06/25/2024