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Run the Migration Assistant
Necessary components and their locations are described in PropertyChanger Utility Components.
PropertyChanger is available as a prebuilt image and with source code. You may use the image out of the box to change the look and feel of existing applications. You may customize the source code to suit your needs. Follow the appropriate procedure below.
To launch the prebuilt image
w4gldev runimage propertychanger.img -ddbname_containing_your_source_code
Specifies the database of the existing application source code that will be modified. If omitted, a connection will be made to database that likely does not exist.
w4gldev runimage propertychanger.img -dmyappdb
w4gldev runimage propertychanger.img -dmyvnode::myappdb
To import the code and run it
1. In Workbench, import propertychanger.xml as a new application into your OpenROAD code repository database if you have not already done so.
2. From a command window, enter the following command:
w4gldev rundbapp yourdatabasename propertychanger -cw7styler
The PropertyChanger application opens.
3. Specify which frame template you are applying. The default is w7style.
4. Select which features you want to preserve when restyling. The default is none.
5. Select which application or applications you are updating.
6. Specify that you want to change both field and frame elements (the default).
7. Specify that you want to apply both types of change (the default).
8. Specify the suffix to use if you want the assistant to make backup copies of your existing applications. Leave this blank if you do not want backup copies to be made (for example, if you previously have backed up your applications elsewhere).
9. Click Migration to make the changes.
Note:  You may want to save the PropertyChanger output to assist with later acceptance testing.
Last modified date: 06/25/2024