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TreeNode Class Gets New and Updated Attributes
The TreeNode class, which represents a single data item in a Tree object, has the following new attributes:
Data Type: integer
4GL Access: RW
The BgColor attribute controls the color of the background of the bounding box for the TreeNode.
Data Type: CursorBitmap
4GL Access: RW
The DragCopyCursor attribute—when assigned to a CursorBitmap object—causes the mouse cursor to change to the cursor associated with the CursorBitmap when a DragDrop operation becomes a copy operation by pressing the CTRL key while dragging from the TreeNode object.
Data Type: CursorBitmap
4GL Access: RW
The DragMoveCursor attribute—when assigned to a CursorBitmap object—causes the mouse cursor to change to the cursor associated with the CursorBitmap when a DragDrop operation is begun from the TreeNode object.
Data Type: CursorBitmap
4GL Access: RW
The DropCursor attribute—when assigned to a CursorBitmap object—causes the mouse cursor to change to the cursor associated with the CursorBitmap when the mouse is over the TreeNode object during a DragDrop operation in which the node is a potential drop object.
Data Type: integer
4GL Access: RW
The ExpandedBitmapLabelIndex attribute is the one-based index of the bitmap label to be displayed when the node is expanded. If set, the BitmapLabelIndex indicates the bitmap label when the node is contracted.
Data Type: integer
4GL Access: RW
The FgColor attribute controls the foreground color of the bounding box for the TreeNode.
Data Type: integer
4GL Access: R
The Height attribute provides the height of the bounding rectangle of the TreeNode's label.
Data Type: integer
4GL Access: RW
If the IsBold attribute is set to TRUE, the text label of the node is displayed in boldface.
Data Type: integer
4GL Access: RW
If the IsChecked attribute is set to TRUE and the associated TreeviewField has its HasCheckboxes attribute set, then the check box will be displayed as checked. If the HasCheckboxes attribute is not set, IsChecked can still be used as a state variable by the 4GL user.
Data Type: integer
4GL Access: RW
If the IsDragNode attribute is set to TRUE, and IsDragSource is set to TRUE for the TreeviewField containing this node, then the node can be dragged from, and the cursor will indicate this. If IsDragNode is set to FALSE, this will prohibit the node from being dragged from even if IsDragSource is set to TRUE for the TreeviewField. The cursor will reflect that this is not a valid drag operation.
Data Type: integer
4GL Access: RW
If the IsDropNode attribute is set to TRUE and a DropObject is defined for the TreeviewField containing this node, then the node can be dropped on and the cursor will indicate this. If the IsDropNode attribute is FALSE, the node cannot be dropped on and the cursor will indicate this.
Data Type: integer
4GL Access: RW
If the IsHidden attribute is set to TRUE, the TreeNode and all of its descendants are not displayed. However, they still remain part of the tree.
Data Type: integer
4GL Access: RW
If the IsItalic attribute is set to TRUE, the text label of the node is displayed in italic typeface.
Data Type: integer
4GL Access: RW
If the IsPlain attribute is set to TRUE, the text label of the node is not displayed in boldface, underlined, or italic typeface.
Data Type: integer
4GL Access: RW
If the IsUnderlined attribute is set to TRUE, the text label of the node is displayed with underlining.
Data Type: varchar(256)
4GL Access: RW
The KeyLabel attribute contains the key associated with the TreeNode.
Data Type: integer
4GL Access: R
The Level attribute is 0 for the root node and its siblings. Otherwise, it indicates the number of levels below those nodes; that is, children have level 1, grandchildren level 2, and so on.
Data Type: integer
4GL Access: RW
If the SelBgColor attribute is set (non-zero) and the node is the selected node, then SelBgColor determines the background color of the bounding rectangle of the node.
Data Type: integer
4GL Access: RW
If the SelFgColor attribute is set (non-zero) and the node is the selected node, then SelFgColor determines the foreground color of the bounding rectangle of the node.
Data Type: integer
4GL Access: RW
If SelIsBold is TRUE, then if the node is selected, it is made bold. Otherwise, if the Treeview's SelIsBold is TRUE, it is made bold. If neither is set, the Treeview's IsBold attribute determines whether it is bold.
Data Type: integer
4GL Access: RW
The TypeFace attribute specifies the typeface for the text of the TreeNode label.
Data Type: integer
4GL Access: RW
The TypeFaceName attribute specifies the typeface name of any font installed on your system, to be used for the text of the TreeNode label.
Data Type: integer
4GL Access: RW
The TypeSize attribute sets the point size of the typeface.
Data Type: integer
4GL Access: R
The Width attribute provides the width of the bounding rectangle of the TreeNode's label.
Data Type: integer
4GL Access: R
The XLeft attribute provides the X-coordinate of the left boundary of the bounding rectangle of the TreeNode's label, relative to the TreeviewField.
Data Type: integer
4GL Access: R
The YTop attribute provides the Y-coordinate of the top boundary of the bounding rectangle of the TreeNode's label, relative to the TreeviewField.
The following attributes are changed in this version of OpenROAD:
If the ExpandedBitmapLabelIndex attribute is set, SelectedBitmapLabelIndex is not used; ExpandedBitmapLabelIndex takes precedence.
For complete information about the TreeNode class, see the Language Reference Guide.
Last modified date: 06/25/2024