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The .NET ASOSession class wraps a corresponding instance of the OpenROAD.ASOSession COM class. You should be familiar already with the underlying COM ASOSession methods (see COM (Non-OpenROAD) Client Remote Server Object).
The default constructor takes no arguments and creates an underlying COM ASOSession instance that is not connected.
The following table describes COM ASOSession wrappers:
void Dispose();
Releases the underlying COM ASOSession instance. After the Dispose method is called, the .NET object instance becomes essentially useless and should be discarded.
void Connect(string akaName, string location, string routing);
Wraps the COM ASOSession Connect method. Both location and routing are optional and can be passed as null references or empty strings.
void AttachRSO(RemoteServer rso);
Wraps the COM ASOSession AttachRSO method. The RSO parameter must be a .NET RemoteServer instance that is already connected. There is no transfer of ownership of underlying COM resources. The RSO instance must still have Dispose called on it independently of the ASOSession.
void DefineBPM(string userclassname);
Wraps the COM ASOSession DefineBPM method. Both location and routing are optional and can be passed as null references or empty strings.
void CallProc(string procName, ParameterData byValPDO, ParameterData byRefPDO);
Wraps the COM ASOSession CallProc method. Both byValPDO and byRefPDO are optional and can be passed as null references
string JsonRpcRequest(string request)
Wraps the COM ASO JsonRpcRequest method
void Disconnect();
Wraps the COM ASOSession Disconnect method
int i_client_type { get; set }
int i_user_id { get; set }
string v_user_name { get; set }
string v_ip_address { get; set }
Wrap the COM ASOSession properties i_client_type, i_user_id, v_user_name, v_ip_address
int ClientType { get; set }
int ClientUserId { get; set }
string ClientUserName { get; set }
string ClientIpAddress { get; set }
Wrap the COM ASOSession properties i_client_type, i_user_id, v_user_name, v_ip_address, but provide more descriptive names for them
int i_error_no { get; }
int i_error_type { get; }
string v_msg_txt { get; }
Wrap the COM ASOSession readonly OSCA properties i_error_no, i_error_type, and v_msg_txt
int OscaErrorNo { get; }
int OscaErrorType { get; }
string OscaMsgTxt { get; }
Wrap the COM ASOSession readonly OSCA properties i_error_no, i_error_type, and v_msg_txt, but provide more descriptive names for them
bool IsConnected();
Wraps the COM ASOSession readonly IsConnected property and converts the integer to Boolean
Last modified date: 06/25/2024