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The .NET RemoteServer class wraps a corresponding instance of the OpenROAD.RemoteServer COM class. You should be familiar already with the underlying COM RemoteServer methods (see OpenROAD Client 4GL RemoteServer System Class).
The default constructor takes no arguments and creates an underlying COM RSO instance that is not connected.
The following table describes COM RSO wrapper methods:
void Dispose();
Releases the underlying COM RSO instance. After the Dispose method is called, the .NET object instance becomes essentially useless and should be discarded.
void GetConnectionDetails(string akaName, string location, string routing);
Wraps the COM RSO GetConnectionDetails method. Both location and routing are optional and can be passed as null references or empty strings.
void Connect(string akaName, string location, string routing);
Wraps the COM RSO Connect method. Both location and routing are optional and can be passed as null references or empty strings.
void CallProc(string procName, ParameterData byValPDO, ParameterData byRefPDO);
Wraps the COM RSO CallProc method. Both byValPDO and byRefPDO are optional and can be passed as null references.
string JsonRpcRequest(string request)
Wraps the COM RSO JsonRpcRequest method
void Disconnect();
Wraps the COM RSO Disconnect method
void Initiate(string imgFile, string cmdFlags, string location, string routing, bool privateServer);
Wraps the COM RSO Initiate method
void Terminate();
Provided just for symmetry with the Initiate method. Has the same effect as Disconnect.
string AkaName { get; set }
string ImageFile { get; set }
string CmdFlags { get; set }
string Location { get; set }
string Routing { get; set }
bool PrivateServer { get; set }
bool UseASOLib { get; set }
bool IsConnected { get; }
Wraps the corresponding COM RSO properties
Last modified date: 06/25/2024