Server Reference Guide > Server Reference Guide > Loadnrun > Configuration File for Loadnrun 4GL Applications (Install4gl.txt)
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Configuration File for Loadnrun 4GL Applications (Install4gl.txt)
The configuration file for a Loadnrun 4GL control package is named install4gl.txt and contains the following fixed portion:
4GLVERSION =1,0,0,1
IMAGEFILE  =your4gl.img
CMDFLAGS   =-Tno -/appflags whatever=youwant
Optionally, this fixed portion can be followed by a variable portion containing zero or more DATAFILE or DELETEFILE or ENVIRONMENT keyword lines:
ENVIRONMENT=MYVARNAME=Whatever string I want
. . .
Keywords in the fixed portion are as follows:
Specifies the version number of your control. This, combined with the #version suffix on your CODEBASE URL string in your HTML OBJECT tag, determines if a new version of the control must be downloaded or whether the version already installed on the client machine is suitable.
Specifies the name of the image file containing your 4GL application. It must not be blank, and must not contain any form of directory path syntax.
Specifies the command-line flags to pass to your application on startup.
Keywords in the variable portion are as follows:
This line can appear zero or more times. The string to the right of the first "=" sign is treated as an environment variable specification. These environment variables are set in the eClient runtime process before the OpenROAD runtime is initialized.
The variable name is separated from the variable value by the second "=" sign, similar to the syntax for using SET in a command window.
Variable values can refer to other variables using the standard %xxx%syntax (such as in the %II_ECLIENT_APPDIR% example shown previously).You can reference the following "built-in" variables in your own definitions:
Set to the current eClient application's installation directory, which is also the current directory when the OpenROAD runtime executes this eClient application.
This variable is set to the following value:
Set to the parent directory of the application's installation directory.
This variable is set to the following value:
Set to the eClient shared library installation directory.
This variable is set to the following value:
Set to the location of the Loadnrun root directory on the client that is being used to launch the Loadnrun application and communicate to the Loadnrun Server. It may be different from the version of the Loadnrun client that is being downloaded and launched.
This variable is set to the following value:
%II_LOADNRUN11_ROOT%\  (if launched using LOADNRUN11.bat)
%II_LOADNRUN62_ROOT%\  (if launched using LOADNRUN62.bat)
Specifies the runmode of the Loadnrun eClient that is being launched. This value should not be changed.
This variable is set to the following value:
Specifies the value of Loadnrun Gateway URL used to access the Loadnrun Server.
This variable is set to the following value:
This is the value that is passed to the Loadnrun62.bat script.
This value is not used by Loadnrun. The value of this variable is set to an empty string.
Set to the value of that was specified in the original 4GLVERSION specified in the install4gl.txt file.
Specifies the SUFFIX value that was passed to the Loadnrun62.bat script.
Points to the library of 4GL applications.
This variable is set to the following value:
Points to the application 4GL images.
This variable is set to the following value:
Points to a location where the 4GL log files can be written.
This variable is set to the following value:
Set to the following default value:
By default this is set to the Loadnrun runtime that was used to launch the Loadnrun application. This may be different from the Loadnrun runtime that the application being used may need.
Set to TRUE.
Note:  The order in which variables are processed within each pass is not defined. Therefore, do not attempt to use more than one level of nesting in your variable definitions.
Last modified date: 06/25/2024