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DCOM Configuration
Note:  DCOM is available only on Windows versions of OpenROAD.
DCOM configuration settings control which users can launch and access the ASO and SPO server executables and the user ID under which those executables will be run.
The OpenROAD Installer initially sets the DCOM configurations for those executables to make it easy for you to get started. The Everyone group is allowed to access the SPO and call 4GL procedures.
The Installer does not modify the machine-wide default DCOM authentication level because that could potentially impact other applications besides OpenROAD. Unless your application uses explicitly unauthenticated Initiate requests whenever connecting to servers that cannot be reached through authenticated connections, you may need to set the machine-wide default authentication level on your client machines to NONE.
You can change the DCOM configuration settings by running the DCOM Configuration utility (DCOMCNFG), which is included with the Windows operating system. DCOMCNFG can be started from a command window or from the Run shortcut on the Start menu.
Note:  There is typically no need to run the DCOM Configuration Uitility. On Windows a shortcut launches the OpenROAD Server Configuration utility (asreg.img or asreg.exe). This Windows shortcut is named Configure OpenROAD Server.
When you run DCOMCNFG you will see the Component Services console display. In the left-hand pane is a tree view beginning with Console Root. Under that root, expand the Component Services node. Under that, expand the Computers folder. Under that, expand the My Computer node.
Last modified date: 06/25/2024