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Data Types
The two categories of data passed between a client and the OpenROAD Server are:
Scalar Types
Include SMALLINT, INTEGER, INTEGER8 (I8), FLOAT, DECIMAL, DATE, MONEY, STRING, plus three additional types that are treated like scalars for the purpose of data mapping: StringObject, LongByteObject, and BitmapObject.
Note:  Only the data for the pseudo-scalar data types is marshaled. None of the system attributes for the StringObject, LongByteObject, and BitmapObject is marshaled.
Structured Types
Represent OpenROAD user classes and arrays of user classes. Structured types are passed as two-dimensional arrays of VARIANTs. User classes, arrays of user classes, or both, can be nested. Nested structures are represented by nested two-dimensional arrays of VARIANTs.
Last modified date: 06/25/2024